Unlock your brand attraction using colour psychology

Karen Haller 01
Karen Haller


Are you a start-up or an established brand? Do you want to attract your ideal customers? You can create brand attraction. You can create the emotional connection between your brand and customers. Colour is that all-important emotional connector.

When it comes to creating your brand’s visual identity there’s no doubt a lot of effort is put into choosing key brand elements such as:

  • Business name
  • Strapline
  • Logo (or word mark)
  • Font style
  • Images
  • Copy

These are all important.

What is usually missing from this list is the strategic brand colour decision. Find out more…

Did you know the correct use of colour can increase your business brand’s recognition by up to 80%? People make a subconscious judgement about a product within 90 seconds.  And up to 80% of that assessment is based on colour alone.

What really drives this home, is that 85% of shoppers place colour as a primary reason for when they buy a particular product or a service.

Why? We buy with emotion and we justify with logic. And colour is that all-important emotional connector. Imagine the power of your business brand if the colours were doing the selling.

Think more about your Business Brand Colours
Did you picked the colours because you personally liked it? Or perhaps you let someone arbitrary picked it for you?

We’re all drawn instinctively to colour, however if the colours you picked don’t match with your brand message, you could be inadvertently pushing people away.

Complementing or contradicting your brand message is a choice
If you’re like most businesses you’ll be using your website as the equivalent of your store window.

How much time have you spent getting your brand message just right? How much money have you spent creating your website? How many people are coming onto your website and then clicking away because they don’t think you are a good fit for them.

Why is this happening…? Because on an unconscious level you are confusing them. They don’t know which message to believe  as the words and brand colours are giving out contradicting messages. They’ll just click off and go elsewhere.

“Your business branding is your first step in prospecting”

Using colour strategically for your business branding is not about trying to be everything to everyone. It’s not about choosing colours you like or even fitting into what is perceived as an industry norm.

It is about having a clear brand identity from within (brand attraction) so that your prospects, your ideal customers can (and will) decide that your business and your offering are right for them. Find out more…

“Colour alone can pull in or push away your ideal customers”

Instead of using colour in your branding as decoration or as an afterthought, use colour as a language, another way to communicate. If you don’t use this to its full affect, you’ll be throwing away the most important marketing element of your brand.

Ready to move forward and jump ahead of the crowd?

Use colour to attract your ideal clients through my Build Your Own Brand kit. It’s not for everyone…find out if it’s for you.


Statistic sources:
University of Maryland, The CCICOLOR-Institute, KISSmetrics

Reference:Build Your Own Brand kit


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