3 easy steps to banish your home’s winter blues

Karen Haller 01
Karen Haller

Banish home winter blues - spacious interior with plants. This opens a new browser window.

Having survived the post festive season blues, we find ourselves in the burst of Spring. It’s the season that represents new growth, new beginnings, a fresh start.

If your home feels like it’s still suffering from the winter blues, here are 3 easy steps to get your spring cleaning off to a blooming start, injecting an abundance of life and light into your home!

1. Sorting it out

“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful” – William Morris (1834 – 1896)

Working your way systemically through each cupboard, drawer, box etc, sort everything into three piles:
1.  Keep
2.  Give away to charity
3.  Throw out (recycle when possible)

You may need to be quite ruthless when doing this. If it helps, ask a friend to help you keep focused and motivated.  By doing this one drawer at a time you can do this whenever you have a few spare moments without having turned your entire house upside down!

2. Clean out
This is a good a time to give your cupboard, drawers a thorough clean.  Where possible use natural eco-friendly products which are safer for your belongings and safer for you to breathe by not filling your home with harmful chemicals.

3. Storage
Now that you know what you are keeping, you’ll be able to see not only how much storage you need but the right type. Good practical storage is key to having a well organised home, where there’s a place for everything and it’s all easily accessible. If your storage is out on display, look for more attractive solutions such as glass jars, wicker baskets, using colours that go with your décor.

Banish home winter blues - wardrobe storage. This opens a new browser window.

Wardrobe storage - organised making everything within easy reach.

It’s surprising how much bigger a room can look after a de-clutter.  You’ll also notice your cleaning time reduces as it’s so much easier to clean an uncluttered home.

Banish home winter blues - spacious interior. This opens a new browser window.

Banish your home's winter blues. Light, spacious, uncluttered & still personalised.

Push back the curtains, letting the sunlight in and fill your home with plants and beautiful blooms.  Now your home is alive with space, light and life!  What better way to give your home a healthy start!

Karen x

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  1. Janet Best on April 1, 2011 at 9:55 am

    Hi Karen

    Love your tips for bringing spring in to our homes and maximising our enjoyment of the brighter weather and longer evenings.

    Thanks for the motivation and I will be making a spring clean start this weekend. First steps will be a treat of some spring time blooms.

    Thanks Karen


    • admin on April 1, 2011 at 4:17 pm

      Enjoy your filling your home with beautiful Spring blooms!

  2. Soo Hammond on April 4, 2011 at 7:23 pm

    Thanks for the inspiration – the idea of trying to sort everything out come ‘spring’ is a bit over whelming, so thanks for the practical tips ! one draw at a time 🙂

    • admin on April 5, 2011 at 5:13 pm

      Glad you enjoyed the article Soo. How quickly we can go into overwhelm once we realised we’ve turned the whole house upside down! Put on some music and enjoy!

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